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Maiara Musings

"Problems can not be solved by the level of awareness that created them" Albert Einstein

Monthly Archives: April 2014

Hi Everyone, I can see that I have missed my promised posting date at the end of each month already by 9 days. I apologize. I really have no excuse other than that my ADD is kind of worse right now because of the Taxes have to be filed by the end of this month, a relationship that is confusing the hell out of me, couple of teenagers at home with their brilliant ideas and  of course my new online course I started.

I have not posted anything about ADD on my blog yet, because I have been dealing with much bigger issues but that is perhaps something I should write about, to get my kriss crossed brain in some kind of order and to find a solution for my distraction both at work and at home. For although I don’t think that ADD is a disorder, I do know that it poses certain challenges along the many gifts it provides. And until I was diagnosed as an adult with ADD that is rather severe kind – but which has not been big problem (other than disappearing socks, keys, kids [just kidding] thoughts, time, papers, relationships and everything else practical) – I did feel frustrated and mentally challenged for most of the time and that was a big cause of feeling inferior. I could never figure it out why cooking, cleaning, parenting, taking care of practical matters was so hard and felt like I was doing a theses for PhD leaving me exhausted after even the simplest task. As an after thought I of course realize now that the exhaustion is not from actual task, but from the huge concentration it takes to be able to finish the task in any kind of reasonable time that for most would only take fraction of time and no effort to finish.eep

So it is a lengthy excuse, but please have mercy. I will see about the essay for the end of the month and I truly try to stay true to my word. However, since I have like so much going on right now I can not promise for sure that I have time to write a full essay on subject matter. I will keep you posted and let you know regardless at the end of this month the good news I am bound to have.

Enjoy the spring and sun and please remember, world is not about disorders but variety. We all have our peculiarites and that should be a gift for world would be very boring place if everyone were to think same way or to look the same way. Variety it what we need and what we should embrace, not tame.

Thank you for visitin Maiara Musings


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